
“Music School”

Music school; I love it, and I hate it.  It’s got so much to offer, but as a student, you definitely pay the price (not just financially.)

I have some really great colleagues here at Louisiana State University, and I’ve been gifted with some of the best instructors in the country; but somehow, I still feel as if actual music has fallen to the back burner in my life.

It isn’t hard for me to see how so many students are graduating with performance degrees without being able to play their instruments well.  Colleges are so worried about producing a “well rounded individual” that they tend to forget what music school is all about, which is making music.

Now, I’m aware of the existence of conservatories, and I’m not asking state universities to all become conservatories.  I just want to bring awareness to the fact that making music is so easily lost in the bureaucracy that is a modern university.